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The development of each child's self-worth and self-image is central to our mission and will lead to the academic excellence we seek.


Aerial view of AC Stelle's campus
Boys in wetsuits, flippers, and snorkels
students in costume dancing in the quad
students in front of vista
students putting ballots in ballot box
Leadership students wearing yellow
teachers and the Cordascos receiving donation
Boys flag football team
Girls flag football players
students gathered in the quad
7th graders running at the start of the event
Volleyball team photo
student winners of Pi digit contest and 4 math teachers
all students in an outdoor photo on a snowy day
students singing while standing on risers

Welcome to Alice C. Stelle Middle School

A.C. Stelle Middle School teachers focus on the development of each child’s self-worth and self-image, while pursuing academic excellence.  We strive to support our students in their quest for knowledge, respect for all, understanding of diverse cultures, and ultimately, happiness.  We are part of a greater village that comes together, in a collaborative approach, to guide our children towards a path where they feel safe and confident to pursue and realize their dreams.

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