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History Social Science

California History-Social Science Content Standards

BibMe Online site to help students create a bibliography.

History / Social Science:
U.S. History: Growth and Conflict


Our students will spend their lives as members of an interdependent global economy. Now, more than ever, Americans need to learn about the cultures, societies, and economic systems that exist in other parts of the world and to recognize the political and cultural barriers that divide people as well as the common human qualities that unite them.

Mission statement:

The object of the history social science curriculum is to develop in our students the analytical and communication skills necessary for them to assume the responsibilities of citizenship in our ever-changing society and the global economy at large.


Students in grade six expand their understanding of history by studying the people and events that ushered in the dawn of the major Western and non-Western ancient civilizations.

Students in grade seven study the social, cultural, and technological changes that occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia from the year 500 to the year 1789.

Students in grade eight study the ideas, issues, and events from the framing of Constitution up to the start of the 20th century.

Thinking skills:

Students will use the following critical thinking skills in order to reconstruct and interpret the events of the past:

  • Chronological and spatial thinking
  • Research, evidence, and point of view
  • Historical interpretation


Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by completing the following assignments:

  • Essays and research papers
  • Document based questions (DBQs)
  • Debates
  • Historical simulations
  • Cooperative learning
  • Power point presentations
  • Video presentations
  • Geographic analysis
  • Multiple-choice tests

Grading policies:

Please visit the individual teacher web pages for grading policies.

Textbooks Used 

Grade Textbook and ISBN number Publisher
6th Grade     

History Alive the Ancient World
Book ISBN: 9781583712177

Teacher's Curriculum Institute (TCI)

7th Grade

History Alive the Medieval World and Beyond 
Book ISBN: 9781583712382

Teacher's Curriculum Institute (TCI)
8th Grade

History Alive United States Through Industrialism   
Book ISBN: 9781583712719

Teacher's Curriculum Institute (TCI)