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  • To report an absence (full/part day) email Include:
    First and last name
    Date of absence(s) 
    Reason for absence(s)
  • View the list of excused absences.
  • If returning to campus from an absence or appointment, sign in at attendance office to receive a readmit form.

Leaving Early

  • Parents need to be present to sign student out and allow extra time for student to be summoned from class.
  • Prearrange to meet if student is leaving during lunch, as they are hard to locate at lunch.
  • If student is not feeling well, they must check out through the health office.
  • You can update your emergency contacts in Aeries.


  • Absences must be reported within 72 Hours.
  • Errors in attendance reporting must be resolved between teacher and student.
  • School is legally required to keep accurate attendance records. 
  • School funding is tied to attendance and attendance is linked to student success.


  • If arriving late, the student must have a signed note and sign in at attendance office BEFORE going to class. They will be given a tardy pass to show their teacher.
  • If returning to campus from appointment, sign in at attendance office to receive a readmit pass.

Pre-Approval of Absence: <5 days days

  • Fill out this required form.
  • Obtain teacher signatures and submit to the APs Office for approval.

Preplanned Absence: 5+ days

  • Contact the Counseling Office for a Short Term Independent Study Agreement.
  • Must submit 2 weeks before planned absence.
  • Student arranges work with teachers.