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FAQ - Attendance

Frequently Asked Questions - Attendance

1. What do I have to do if my child is going to be absent from school?

Please email the attendance office at  You must leave your child’s name, the reason for the absence, the date of the absence and your name to verify that it was a parent/guardian that is verifying the absence. Or, you may send a note upon your child’s return to school.

2. What does it mean to “verify” my child’s absence?

When a student is absent, parents are required to email the attendance office in order to validate the reason for the child’s absence. We call this process: Absence Verification.

3. What happens after I have emailed about my child’s absence?

The attendance secretary will then proceed to mark your child’s attendance record with an “Excused” or “Unexcused” absence according to Education Code and District policies.

4. What happens if I forget to call my child’s absence on the day of their absence?

You may call to verify your child’s absence up to 72 hours after your child has been absent. Absences that are not verified within the time allowed will be considered unexcused absences. After our attendance month accounting cycle closes, unexcused absences due to no-verification cannot be overwritten or changed.

5. What is considered an Excused Absence?

By law [Ed. Code 48205], excused absences are:

  • Illness (fever 100° or more, your child must be fever free for twenty four hours before returning to school]
  • Persistent runny nose with yellow-green mucous discharge
  • Rashes [unless there is a note from your physician stating that your child is not contagious
  • Vomiting [If your child is sent home vomiting he/she needs to be vomit free for twenty four hours before returning to school
  • Diarrhea [If your child is sent home from school with diarrhea he/she needs to be diarrhea free for twenty four hours before returning to school]
  • Medical/dental appointments (doctor’s note required for verification 
  • Death in the family
  • Specific religious reasons
  • Required appearance in court
  • Exclusion from school for contagious disease

6. How many Excused Absences can my child have in one school year?

While we know students do become ill and are unable to attend school, the average number of days missed due to illness is 3 (three) per school year.         

7. What if my child’s absences do not fall under any of the Excused Absences categories?

State law [Ed. Code 48260-48273] is very specific about these types of absences. A student who is absent from school for reasons other than those listed in section 5, will be marked “unexcused” for the day. These types of absences are considered “Truancies” after three unexcused absences.

8. I thought “truancy” indicated that a child skipped/ditched school. Why would my child be considered “Truant” if I have called to verify the absence?

In accordance with Education Code of the State of California [Ed. Code 48260-48273], any pupil who is absent from school for 3 days or more without a valid excuse, or tardy in excess of 30 minutes or more (Tardies are only excused with a parent note for illness, doctor/dental note for appointments), is “truant”. E.g., student cuts 1st period on 3 separate days or student cuts one period for 2 days and is absent for one full day.

9. What about coming in late (tardy) or leaving early for an appointment?

A student that is late to school in excess of 30 minutes during a school day, should come to school with a doctor’s note or parent note stating the reason for the tardiness.  Without a valid reason, the student is considered “truant.”  Compulsory Education Law therefore, requires a student to attend a full day every day.

10. What is the process for a child with more than  unexcused absences/Tardies?

You will receive a letter from the school upon the 3rd (third) and the consequently upon the sixth absence/truancy. On the second letter (6thabsence/truancy) you will be asked to attend a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) meeting. You may also be required to attend an informational meeting with the Principal. Additional unexcused absences will result in a referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB)and possible referral to the District Attorney for prosecution.

11. What can I do if my child needs to be out of school for a length of time?

If your child must go out of town for five or more days, you may request that your child is signed up for a Short Term Independent Study Agreement. Please note that you must make an appointment with our Assistant Principal for Short Term Independent Study approval at least two weeks in advance. Teachers need plenty of advance notice in order to prepare materials without interrupting their instructional time.

12. Why is attendance such a big issue?

Regular attendance is vital to student’s success in school. The student, who is frequently absent, misses social interaction and direct instruction from their teachers even though written work can be made up. Any day or hour absent is a missed learning opportunity. Attendance is a key predictor of dropouts. Dropouts create economic loss and jeopardize future work force since only 31% of dropouts keep a job more than a year. Also school loses funding for each absence, regardless of the reason; including illness or excused absences.

13. I thought schools got “paid” when kids are out ill/”excused”?

Schools do NOT receive funding even if the absence is excused. This law went into effect in 1998. Any absence is a loss of revenue as well as instructional opportunities.

14. How much revenue is really lost due to attendance?

The State of California funds attendance, not absences. That is why schools in California are funded on Average Daily Attendance (ADA). ADA is the primary funding source for all schools/school districts in California.

15. What about homework, if my child is absent can I request homework to be sent home?

Students are given the opportunity to make up schoolwork missed due to illness or a valid excused absence upon their return. As a general policy, a student is allowed 1(one) day to complete make-up work for each day of excused absence from school. Teachers post work to their websites so there will be an opportunity to get the work there and turn it in per policy.