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Main Office

Alice C. Stelle Middle School Main Office

Welcome to the AC Stelle Main Office. Our hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday during the school year.


Office Manager and Principal's Secretary: Susie Kargari, 818-224-4107 option 0,
ASB Account technician: Dana Bergman,

Please remember that all visitors (with the exception of those going to the health or attendance offices) must report to the main office.


Student safety is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, we'd like you to know our closed campus policy. Everyone must abide by the following:
  • All visitors, with the exception of those picking up for early dismissal (Attendance and Health Office) or arrival, must register in the Main Office - no exceptions. This includes those helping on the school campus. You must present your driver's license to be evaluated by our Raptor Visitor Management software. No visitors are allowed on the campus outside the administration building without a badge that can be acquired at the Main Office.
  • We do not encourage parents delivering forgotten homework or lunches to school, but if it is necessary, you must deliver to the Main Office and have a preset understanding with your child to  check in the office at lunchtime. Items should be labeled and placed on the cart in the Main Office lobby- no unsealed drinks, please. We do not interrupt classes to make deliveries. 
  • Parents wanting to observe in the classroom or meet with a teacher will need to make an appointment, get a visitor badge, and will be accompanied to the classroom by an administrator.
  • Parents may not pull up to the curb at lunchtime to deliver items to their child.
  • Supervision is provided between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. No students should be on campus prior to 8:00 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m. as the city of Calabasas uses our facilities after school and there are many strangers on our campus in the afternoon. For that reason, it is imperative that you pick your child up by 3:00 p.m.

This is a safe campus and we will do all that we can to keep it that way. Your assistance in helping enforce the above policy will help in securing a safe campus for all students.


Please drop all forgotten items (lunches, homework, musical instruments, etc.) in the Main Office. Remind your student to check the Main Office when something has been left at home because we will not deliver or send passes to the student. Do not make a habit of bringing lunches to school as this disrupts the daily routine. If you drop something off, it goes on the cart in the lobby.


Replacement photo IDs can be acquired at no charge in the Library Media Center once the new photos are available. If we do not have a current photo, we'll need to take a photo before the ID can be made.


Appropriate clothing should be worn on cold and rainy days. If an umbrella is to be carried on the school grounds, it must have all of the sharp points covered so that it does not become a safety factor.