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Frequently Asked Questions

What is our mascot? Eagle

Is there a pool on the gym roof? No, don't believe everything your P.E. teachers tell you.

Who was Alice C. Stelle?

How did our school begin?  

When should I email the Assistant Principal? Please contact the Assistant Principal for questions regarding discipline, behavior, culmination, curriculum, general activities, or school-related concerns. 

When should I contact my child's teachers? Back to School night is an excellent opportunity to learn about classroom expectations. If you have specific concerns regarding a change in your student's grades, learning or behavior, contact your child's teacher. Remember teachers have 48 hours to return your call or email. If you would like to have a conference with multiple teachers please contact the Counseling Office.

What issues do the Counselors address? Our counselors are available to answer questions regarding classes, grades, progress reports, and registration. Most importantly, they are available throughout the day to support your child with their needs. If there are concerns that may affect your child's ability to do well in school or their emotional well-being, please contact your child's counselor.

When should I call the health office? If you have questions about immunizations, medications, lice, infectious diseases, attending school with a cast/crutch or other health concerns, call 818-224-4107 option 4.

How do I handle PE medical exemption? A letter written by a parent or legal guardian may partially excuse a student from an activity for up to five days. A doctor's note is needed to excuse a student from physical education if the duration is in excess of five days. Students dress in P.E. uniforms during medical/parent excuses when they are physically able to do so. If a prolonged medical excuse is foreseen, arrangements are made to allow the student to remain in class and receive a grade based upon their cognitive understanding of the concepts taught. No student will ever be required to do any activity that would jeopardize their health

How do I purchase additional PE clothes? Payments are online at ParentSquare through the PFC. Proof of payment can be presented in the Main Office, then the student will pick up items from their PE teacher.

What do we do about lost or damaged textbooks? Students are responsible for proper care of the textbooks which are issued to them. A fee will be assessed for damaged or lost books payable online at

How can my child receive a replacement ID card? Replacement photo IDs can be acquired in the Library Media Center at no charge. If we do not have a current photo on file, we'll take a photo before the ID can be made.

What happens if your child forgets their lunch? Please drop all forgotten items (lunches, homework, musical instruments, etc.) on the cart in the Attendance Office. Remind your student to check there when something has been left at home because we will not deliver or send passes to the student. Do not make a habit of bringing lunches to school as this disrupts the daily routine.

How does AC Stelle handle lost and found items? 

How do I request homework if my child has been absent?

How do I report my child's absence? Email the morning of your child's absence. Leave the student's name, grade, reason for illness and dates affected.

What should my child do if they are tardy? Please write a note explaining the reason for tardiness and have your child report directly to the Attendance Office. If it is for a medical appointment. please have the note written on medical staff note paper. A readmit slip will be given to your child so they may proceed to class.

What should I do if my child needs to leave school early? Please report to the Attendance Office and request your child be called from class. Allow ample time for your child to be able to report to the Attendance Office, especially if they have PE and has to change first. Please have your identification ready. If you plan to pick up at lunchtime, you must pre-arrange to meet your child at the Attendance Office windows at a specified time since it is difficult to locate any individual at lunchtime.

What if my child needs to leave early from an after-school activity or dance? Please come to the door of the Multi-Purpose Room or other room where the after-school activity is taking place. Tell the supervisor that you need to pick up your child. Please be prepared to show identification. Students will not be dismissed early without parental supervision.